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Δημοσιεύσεις δημοσιεύτηκε από geopen



    "η διαφορετική οριοθέτηση χωρίς να αλλάζει το εμβαδόν είναι πράξη κανονιστικού περιεχομένου και ως εκ τούτου δεν χρειάζεται βεβαίωση μηχανικού"



  2. P.S: Συγνώμη που γράφω στα αγγλικά, αλλα μου ειναι πολύ πιο εύκολο..

    There is an oikopedo 1500tm that is εξ αδιαιρέτου, thus 50% to A section and another 50% to B section.
    The section or line joining the two is very narrow in reality 9.5m. The problem is the old topografiko from 1988 did not have this measurement at all and symvolaigrafos assumed its 12m incorrectly (by measuring with a ruler and using klimaka 1:200) and set this in all symvolaia from back then till latest one in 2011.
    Just to correct this and set to 9.5m we need to do a tropoisi sistasis as they have told me, which I am happy to do, but on both sides on A & B side there is 4178 with a balance to still pay the 30% to TEE.
    Does anyone know if such a 30% bebeoisi is needed from mihaniko? - since the metra will not change and will stay as is as new topografiko found a small apoklisi of 1.5sq.m but can adapt it to be the same 1500sq.m so in essence not changing the sq.m on the whole 1500sq, nor on the A or B side.
    I am getting very mixed feedback, from Ktimatoloyia, Symvolaigrafous, Ypothofilakes and no one is giving me a straight legal answer.
    Mihaniko says 4178 is not for tropopisis but only for metavivasis.
    Symvolaigrafos says, its not needed but depends on erminia of the law and to ask Ypothofilakio Halandriou and Nomiko tmima to be sure, which I did and they said whatever the Symvolaigrafo says and their sylogo.
    Their sylogo says confirm with ypothofilaka...
    As you can tell, I am raising my hands once again....
    Anyone know or can share any insight on this matter?
    Thank you.
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