Μετάβαση στο περιεχόμενο


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Δημοσιεύσεις δημοσιεύτηκε από pankio

  1. κκ Καλημερα σας,


    Εγκατασταση σε Win 7 Home Premium Ελληνικα

    Ολα γίνονται σωστά, και σύμφωνα με το video του δημιουργού.


    Οταν όμως πάω να ανοιξω το localhost/kenakv3 Αντιμετωπίζω το εξής πρόβλημα:


    Fatal error: Class 'xpMenu' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\kenakv3\includes\menu.php on line 5


    δοκιμασα και με την v2 αλλα τζίφος.... :(


    To αρχείο menu.php υπάρχει στο φακελακι που λεει,

    το login.php δεν εχει καμια αναφορα για να κανει include το menu.php


    κι ετσι εχω κολλησει.....


    Καμια ιδεα?


    Πλήρες error:

    submenu_onmouseover = '#558806'; // cell color when mouse is out $this->submenu_onmouseout = '#ebf9c9'; // backgroundcolor of menu $this->menu_backgroundcolor = '#558806'; // backgroundcolor of options $this->option_backgroundcolor = '#ebf9c9'; // menu width $this->menu_width = '200px'; // option width $this->option_width = '100%'; // menu height $this->menu_height = '28px'; // option height $this->option_height = '24px'; // menu cursor when mouseover $this->menu_cursor = 'pointer'; // option cursor when mouseover $this->option_cursor = 'pointer'; // border color of option $this->option_bordercolor = '#000000'; // menu top and left borders $this->menu_topleftborder = '#F5F5F5'; // menu bottom and right borders $this->menu_bottomrightborder = 'buttonshadow'; } /* Function : style() Parameters: none Return: string $style_css (contain css to put inside of HTML tag) Description: Create the CSS for menu PS.: You can copy this and paste on your own CSS file (for this use the content of file extra/style.css without PHP vars) */ function style(){ $style_css = ' '; return $style_css; } /* Function : javaScript() Parameters: none Return: string $javascript (contain javascript to put inside of HTML tag) Description: Create the JavaScript for menu PS.: Don't change this if you don't know */ function javaScript(){ $javascript = ' '; return $javascript; } /* Function : addCategory() Parameters: string $a_name - shortened name of category (you can use any name, withou spaces or special characters) string $name - name that will be displayed on menu string $image - image that will be displayed on menu Return: none Description: Add a category on menu */ function addMenu($a_name){ $this->xpmenu[$a_name] = array(); } function addCategory($a_name, $name, $image, $menu){ $array = array("name" => $name, "image" => $image, "options" => ""); $this->xpmenu[$menu]["categories"]["$a_name"] = $array; } /* Function : addOption() Parameters: string $a_name - shortened name of option (you can use any name, withou spaces or special characters) string $name - name that will be displayed on menu string $image - image that will be displayed on menu string $link - option link on menu string $category - category to include the option Return: none Description: Add an option in a category on menu */ function addOption($a_name, $name, $image, $link, $category, $menu){ $array = array("name" => $name, "image" => $image, "link" => $link); $this->xpmenu[$menu]["categories"]["$category"]["options"]["$a_name"] = $array; } /* Function : mountMenu() Parameters: none Return: string $return - menu contents Description: Generate the menu contents */ function mountMenu($key_m){ $menu = $this->xpmenu[$key_m]; $return = '

    '; while (list ($key) = @each ($menu["categories"])) { // menu item $return .= '

    '. $menu["categories"][$key]['name'].'

    '; // submenu items $return .= ''; } $return .= '

    '; return $return; } } /* 'http://localhost/kenakv3/' http://localhost/kenakv3/ */ ?>


    Fatal error: Class 'xpMenu' not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\kenakv3\includes\menu.php on line 5

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