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Φήμη στην κοινότητα

  1. Προς bob mastoras, Με βάση την ακόλουθα παράγραφο, και ένας Αυστραλός μπορείς να μεταφέρεις ΕΔ στην Ελλάδα. Άρθρο 3 της Οδηγίας 2005/36/ΕΚ 3. Εξομοιώνεται προς τίτλο εκπαίδευσης κάθε τίτλος εκπαίδευσης που χορηγείται από τρίτη χώρα, εφόσον ο κάτοχός του διαθέτει στο συγκεκριμένο επάγγελμα τριετή επαγγελματική πείρα στο έδαφος του κράτους μέλους, το οποίο αναγνώρισε τον εν λόγω τίτλο σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 2 παράγραφος 2 της Οδηγίας 2005/36/ΕΚ, και εφόσον η επαγγελματική αυτή πείρα πιστοποιείται από το εν λόγω κράτος μέλος.
  2. http://www.usq.edu.au/degrees/master-of-advanced-engineering-engineering-management http://www.usq.edu.au/handbook/current/engineering-built-environment/MAEN.html Major studies objectivesThe major study provides students with knowledge and skills in a specific discipline. The thee major study areas in the Master of Advanced Engineering are: Structural Engineering Design Engineering Management Engineering Project Management
  3. Αυτό είναι το πώς ένα έργο διατίθεται για διάφορους τύπους κτιρίων στον Κτιριακό Κώδικα του Οντάριο Καναδά, για κτίρια άνω των 600 τετραγωνικών μέτρων και πάνω από τρεις ορόφους σε ύψος Μόνο ένα από τα δύο επαγγέλματα, αρχιτέκτονας ή μηχανικός, υπαγορεύει πώς το έργο θα εκτελεστεί για τον πελάτη, μπορείτε να μαντέψετε ποιος. Προτιμώ πώς λειτουργεί το ελληνικό σύστημα γιατί έχει περισσότερη ελευθερία, απλά χρειάζεται κάποια μικρορύθμιση. Design by Architect or Professional Engineer (1) Except as permitted in Sentences (2) and (3), the construction, including, for greater certainty, enlargement or alteration, of every building or part of it described in Table and this Article shall be designed and reviewed by an architect, professional engineer or both. Table Design and General Review Forming Part of Sentence Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Building Classification by Major Occupancy Building Description Design and General Review by: Assembly occupancy only Every building Architect and professional engineer(1) Assembly occupancy and any other major occupancy except industrial Every building Architect and professional engineer(1) Care or detention occupancy only Every building Architect and professional engineer(1) Care or detention occupancy and any other major occupancy except industrial Every building Architect and professional engineer(1) Residential occupancy only Every building that exceeds 3 storeys in building height Architect and professional engineer(1) Every building that exceeds 600 m2 in gross area and that contains a residential occupancy other than a dwelling unit or dwelling units Architect(2) Residential occupancy only Every building that exceeds 600 m2 in gross area and contains a dwelling unit above another dwelling unit Architect(2) Every building that exceeds 600 m2 in building area contains 3 or more dwelling units and has no dwelling unit above another dwelling unit Architect(2) Residential occupancy and any other major occupancy except industrial, assembly or care or detention occupancy Every building that exceeds 600 m2 in gross area or 3 storeys in building height Architect and professional engineer(1) Business and personal services occupancy only Every building that exceeds 600 m2 in gross area or 3 storeys in building height Architect and professional engineer(1) Business and personal services occupancy and any other major occupancy except industrial, assembly or care or detention occupancy Every building that exceeds 600 m2 in gross area or 3 storeys in building height Architect and professional engineer(1) Mercantile occupancy only Every building that exceeds 600 m2 in gross area or 3 storeys in building height Architect and professional engineer(1) Mercantile occupancy and any other major occupancy except industrial, assembly or care or detention occupancy Every building that exceeds 600 m2 in gross area or 3 storeys in building height Architect and professional engineer(1) Industrial occupancy only and where there are no subsidiary occupancies Every building that exceeds 600 m2 in gross area or 3 storeys in building height Architect or professional engineer(3) Industrial occupancy and one or more other major occupancies where the portion of the area occupied by one of the other major or subsidiary occupancies exceeds 600 m2. The non-industrial portion of every building Architect and professional engineer(1) The industrial portion of every building Architect or professional engineer(3) Industrial occupancy and one or more other major occupancies where no portion of the area occupied by one of the other major or subsidiary occupancies exceeds 600 m2. Every building that exceeds 600 m2 in gross area or 3 storeys in building height Architect or professional engineer(3) Notes To Table (1)An architect shall provide services within the practice of architecture and a professional engineer shall provide the services within the practice of professional engineering. (2)An architect may engage a professional engineer to provide services within the practices of professional engineering. (3)Only a professional engineer may provide services within the practice of professional engineering. (4)Requirements for design and general review by an architect or professional engineer or a combination of both for the construction, enlargement or alteration of a building are set out in the Architects Act and the Professional Engineers Act.
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